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What Is An Ectopic Pregnancy?

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For many obstetricians and OBGYNs, educating patients about ectopic pregnancies is one of the most difficult tasks. Ectopic pregnancies can be confusing for many people, especially if they had been trying to conceive a child when they learned about the issue.

Have you experienced an ectopic pregnancy? Do you think you may be dealing with one right now or might in the future? These are some of the questions you might have for your obstetrician.

What Is an Ectopic Pregnancy?

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the egg is fertilized and begins to grow outside of the uterus. Instead, the egg attaches to the fallopian tube, cervix, or even part of the abdomen. The pregnancy is not viable.

Ectopic pregnancies are most common in women who have a history of ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease, tubal surgeries, and endometriosis. Women over the age of 35 and those who smoke are also at higher risk.

If you have had several ectopic pregnancies, you may speak with your obstetrician about the next options for treatment and addressing ongoing issues. Ectopic pregnancy may be dangerous if you do not treat it.

What Are the Signs of an Ectopic Pregnancy?

Somebody who has an ectopic pregnancy may believe they are pregnant, but they may experience severe bleeding and a lot of pain. They may experience hemorrhage and shock in addition to dizziness and changes to the heartbeat.

The doctor will diagnose ectopic pregnancy via ultrasound. Your obstetrician will provide you with the information you need to make a decision for your own health. Your obstetrician can also help you with the signs of ectopic pregnancy so that you understand whether this is the condition you are experiencing.

What Happens Next?

An ectopic pregnancy will likely end in surgery to remove the unviable egg. The surgery can be difficult, but you can trust your obstetrician to provide you with the healthcare you deserve. Surgery can have an emotional and physical toll on you, but your doctor will help you understand the impact of the procedure and work toward a healthy future.

Talk to Your OBGYN or Obstetrician Today

Your obstetrician or OBGYN can help you through ectopic pregnancy, from diagnosis to surgery. Make an appointment at an obstetric care clinic today if you suspect you are experiencing ectopic pregnancy or something else that confuses you. A doctor can help you determine what you need to do next.
